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Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Common Loon sighting
It is not uncommon to spot one or two pair of common loons during the spring or fall at Point Richmond Beach. In fact for about two weeks during this time period it is common to see them swimming and diving off of the beach. The Loon in the picture was spotted around noon, midday near the center of the beach on November 8th. Other recent sightings of interest have been a sea lion here and there, as well as Dall's porpoise intermittently between our beach and Vashon Island. No Orca have been sighted this fall, to my knowledge, though there have been several Orca sightings about 10 miles away at the north end of Vashon Island.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Fall is here. I know this because the calender says so. There are other signs too; the days are getting shorter, leaves on the trees are changing color, seals are depositng their pups on pieces of styrofoam and letting them float away.

Finally, the boats have all been taken in leaving the mooring bouys all alone to be thrashed by the fall winds, rain and fog.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

This seal was spotted loitering of Point Richmond Beach. The security officer was called in, but the officer arrived on the beach too late. The seal had already fled the scene. Later evidence was uncovered indicating the seal had been taking personal boats out for joy rides then returning them to the exact locations on the beach. The seal had also been sleeping on certain platforms located on the water. This incident is a "chilling"reminder of the otter incident earlier this summer where otters were suspects in using tools to drill holes in the Bortel dingy at night then as a slap in the face, leaving the dingy up side down in the water to be found the next morning!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

As the summer winds to an end there has been quite a bit of activity on the beach as well as in the water. For instance, Bret Walter and Will Johnson recently played a game of Snorkel tag as seen above. There have been rumors that several salmon have been caught off the point but no pictures have been turned in for me to display, so for now they are all... well, just fish stories. If you have caught a fish, please send me your pictures as proof!

Friday, August 12, 2005

Another day begins at Point Richmond Beach. What will this day bring? If past experience is any indication of what we might expect today, the possiblites are almost unlimited! There are sure to be boats in the picture. Sealife will most likely give us a show. We will likely see our neighbors passing by as they walk the shoreline. Perhaps the neighbor walking will be us! How about an airshow? There was one last week if one was here at the right time. Wherever the day leads us, it will be a great day! Picture taken by Peter Bortel.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Who are these "cat" jumpers? The troublemakers at left were caught in the act of jumping, by a local photographer. If anyone has any information about these feline imitators, Frank would like to give them a piece of his mind. Besides everyone knows that cats do not like water and would never willingly jump into cold salt water if they didnt have to!

Thor Heyerdahl may have sailed the Pacific in a raft of balsa wood, but raft enthusiasts Brett and Daniel successfully paddled Point Richmond Beach just a few days ago! Shown at right are the two rafters on their sunset cruise along the waterfront.

The latest resort opened on Point Richmond Beach last week. The "Club Brower" resort is centrally located on the beach easily identified by the palm leaf umbrella and wooden beach chairs. Pictured at the left are club members from left to right Al, Pam, Jan, and Joyce enjoying a recent dungeoness crab feast.