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Sunday, October 08, 2006

Seals Everywhere!
It seems that it was just last month that I reported a seal floating by on a piece of styrofoam - that was last fall! Again seals are doing funny things. I saw one float by balanced on a foam filled tire yesterday and now this; a seal cuddled up on my outdrive! Go figure!
Cowabunga, Flotsam Surfing! (or board boarding)
Point Richmond tow team members Brett and Daniel take surfing to a new level with Brett's newest brainstorm idea; flotsam surfing! This amazing new sport is full of twists and turns! Here is how you do it; you drive around in a boat and look for some debris in the water, preferably something flat enough that you can stand on it, throw our a rope, hop on and away you go!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Approaching Retirement brings out Creativity in PRB resident

As retirement day approaches, Point Richmond Beach Resident Al considers possible new ways to spend his time. The first two photos find Al working with Granddaughter Peyton (5), and neighbor Sarah (5) in a therapeutic session of "beach graffiti on pipe."

Later on that same day our friend Al seemed to be all fired up by what appears to be another creative endeavour ...mass hot dog roasting (photos by Rondi Thornton)

Piling Jumping: Not just for kids!

Not to be shown up by just about every kid on the block, recent Camp Richmond guest (and first adult piling jumper in recent times) Carol Parrish gracefully exits the last piling into the frigid waters of Colvos Passage. In a plausable post jump interview the first words out of her mouth were "this water is really cold!"

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Meet Lou!

Lou is Canadian Goose who seems to prefer to be with people over the other Geese. Yes I know the sign says don't feed the geese, and we don't, but Julia worked around this technicality by offering him some water in the cats bowl. Lou was fine with this until the cat found out! Hally, the cat then tried to pounce on Lou. It didn't seem to matter that Lou was (and still is) one and a half the size of the cat! All is well for now. Look for Lou along the beach, he is the goose that separates himself from the gaggle!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Tandem Skiing!
Have you seen what our young entertainers have been doing lately? - tandem skiing! Shown here are Bret and Daniel tandom double skiing! On a later run Bret was able to drop a ski for a slalom run. Keep your eyes on the water you never know what you might see out there!
Yes, there were Orca in June!
This picture gives an somewhat of an idea as to just how close these toothed jumbo dolphins came to our beach! Note: Photoshop was not used to create these whales... OK, I did use Photoshop to add the arrows. Orca are rarely seen this far south during this part of the year. These whales are not part of the J, K, or L pods that are resident in the sound but a group of 5 what are called "transient whales" - just passing through. Incidentally, the boat in the background was said to be a NOAA observation vessel. This sighting occurred on June 30, 2006. Sorry for the late post.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

The Pilings are back!

Back by popular demand a new set of pilings has been installed on Pt Richmond Beach. Pictured from left to right are Daniel, Carl, Cody, Julia Sarah, Sam, Peter, Piper, and Angie. There would have been more but there was not enough perching space - the last two pilings have not been installed yet!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Did you happen to notice the newest addition to our beach? This Waterwheeler Pedal boat is pictured (from left to right) under the command of Katie, Daniel, Julia, and Cody. Rumor has been spreading of a Pedal boat race on the 4th of July between the Rees and the Silar pedal boats. If it happens, the race will take place after the hydroplane race at 5:50am. Come to think of it the entire day will take place after the hydroplane race! The recent arrival of this boat adds credence to the saying that "What happens upon Point Richmond Beach stays at Point Richmond Beach."

Saturday, June 17, 2006

The sunset pit opens on Point Richmond Beach! Neighbors gather for a spontaneous Saturday night on the sand!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Summer is almost here! Jack Johnson and son Tyson check security of their boat mooring during a recent minus tide.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Cold Water Bites Polar Bear Swimmers
The third annual Point Richmond Beach Polar Bear swim got off without a hitch despite cold water. Daniel and Julia Rees foolishly convinced their father, as seen by the photo above, to join them for the chilling plunge held at noon on New Years day just as a biting wind whipped up bringing a rain shower across the area. This was not the first swim for the kids for 2006. Both children were said to have swum just after the clock struck midnight - and in the dark! What kind of parents would allow such a thing!