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Saturday, November 24, 2007


Polar Bear Swim January 1, 2008 12PM at the Rees pilings.


Preliminary plan for:

Second Annual Swim across Colvos Passage:
"The Escape TO Point Richmond Open Water Swim." July 26, 2008, 4:30PM.
(Alternate date is June 27 at 5:30PM)

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Yes we did have an annual picnic and meeting in September. Below are a few pictures provided by Ken Warter


Friday, August 17, 2007


...that would be you! We have been waiting for you down at the "pit." Please drop by sometime for a drink, Hor d'oeuvres, or just to chat. We have seats reserved... just for you!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

The FISH are... IN!

Send in your fish pictures! We want to hear your fish stories!

Now that's what I'm talking about!

Note: At first glance I there was no doubt Sally's was the biggest by far. But when I looked closer, as it turned out, Katie's (top photo) was just a li-ttle bigger. See for yourself (above).

Saturday, July 21, 2007

1st Annual Escape From Vashon Swim a chilling Success!
6 swimmers successfully completed the crossing from Vashon Island to Point Richmond today when this first known swim across the frigid waters of Colvos Passage was held. Before the swimmers entered the water Wren Huggins, the team psychologist, declared the entire group of swimmers "crazy." Neighbors were invited to help out and did a great job making the event go smoothly and even more fun with their enthusiasm! After the swimmers were in a lunch of chili (both carnivore and veggie) and cornbread was served on the lawn by the finish line.

Behind the scenes neighbors and staff members worked on food prep, setup, safety paddlers, photographers, even a standby nurse, and operated power boats to guide swimmers and keep passing speeding boats at a safe distance.

Pictured at the top of this entry are the inaugural swimmers wearing their survivor shirts from left to right; Steve "the metronome" Rees, Wren "dilly-dally*" Huggins, Brett "why yes, I am available" Walters, Peter "black turtle" Bortel with daugther Sarah, and Tesa "give me a blanket" Johnson. Below is Heather "direct finish line" Pennington, running to... the finish line (not present for the group photo).
*Note: It has been suggested that team psychologist Wren, who came in dead last (by about an hour) did this intentionally so that the other swimmers could "feel good" about their times!

Special thanks to the staff members!

Showing off their staff shirts are Pam Brower (all around support), Harry Hovey (yacht skipper), Daniel Rees (side entertainment), Joyce Winge (paddler, and all around support) and Karen Warter (photographer). Not shown but also provided support to the group were Gordon Thorne (event safety and PR) , Linda (nurse), Al Brower (row boat support), Frank Schrader (inflatable power support), and Paula Schrader (timekeeper), and all the safety paddlers.

ATTENTION: NEW WEBSITE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION! STAY TUNED FOR MORE INFO! Humor has it that HTML code is a lot like the DaVinci Code, I haven't cracked it yet but I think I am getting close!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Diver Tames Wolf Eel!

Neighbor, scuba diver, and eel trainer Peter Bortel is shown working with wolf eel buddies at Day Island wall - south of the Narrows bridge. Photos were taken in approximately 80 feet of water.
4th of July again the busiest day of the year for Pt. Richmond Beach!
Just take a look at the photo above and you'll get an idea of how many people came to our Beach to visit friends, the coolness of the water, food, fireworks. One couple even came to announce their engagement to be married!

Jeremy and fiance Mardie Rees(right) embrace after being hosed down with champagne!

Joyce and Rick (left) enjoying the afternoon.

PS. Paddle boat race was cancelled due to windy conditions in the evening.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Great Find at Playa de la Clampett!

Kids remove graffiti from one of the best flotsam finds to date! Recent retrieval of this jumbo sized picnic table came not a moment too soon with all the upcoming upcoming summer festivities! This year the tally includes 2 crab pots and this fine table. Past years finds included a paddle boat 2 8x8 floating platform segments, usable propane tank, towable board/teeter totter and several crab pots. Hello Playa de la Clampett!
July 2 Declared S'moe Night on the beach

Kids gathered around the pit and it became obvious what must be done; bring out the s'mores!

Meanwhile, Al shows children one of his advanced marshmallow roasting techniques.

Paddle boat race to take place on July 4th

A few nights ago, neighbor kids had practice paddle boat race in preparation for the second annual paddle boat race to take place on July 4th. This year it is expected that there will be 3 entries in the event, which will occur some time prior to the fireworks extravaganza.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Opening Day
Yesterday was the summer solstice or, first day of summer, and the opening day for summer activity on the beach. Here are a few shots snapped during the afternoon and evening.

Upper left: New trampoline in action

Right: A boy and his*

Lower left: The sun-pit crew

*Note: the fish made it all the way to the kitchen before dad discovered it and tossed it out the door. I witnessed the toss back to the beach!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Who Knew?

How could anyone have known that the new trampoline would arrive on the beach at the precise moment that the Wicked Witch of the East would be passing through the area?
Rumor has it that the Wicked Witch of the East (WWE) was returning from a visit with her sister the Wicked Witch of the West (WWW) when the accident occurred. It not well understood why witches sometimes travel at low altitudes when commuting. The disposition of the ruby slippers is unknown, however speculation has it that either one of the vandal river otters (previous topic) or Jake, the dog who lives next door, made off with them after the accident. Who knew?

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

This is Our Home!

Below is a recent offshore photo taken of our little piece of paradise! Just as a reminder there are only 20 more shopping days 'til the 4th of July!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Announcing the First Annual "Escape from Vashon" open water swim!! (note: DATE CHANGE!)Mark your calender for this historic event!

Place: Point Richmond Beach Pilings

Time: 10:00AM Saturday July 21, 2007

Instructions: Gather at 9:15AM by the pilings. Swimmers will be transported over to Vashon Island where the race will begin at 10:00AM sharp. All swimmers must have safety paddler with an orange flag. Swim is 1 statute mile (not including current).

All swimmers will be treated to warmth upon completion and maybe a t-shirt (if I can find someone to come up with one).

RSVP to Steve

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Note on the previous post: Like most retailers, Walmart has a customer satisfaction policy. Such was the fate of Sam the dog. He has been returned to his breeder in Idaho. Some things just weren't meant to be!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Newest resident on Beach, a Dog!

Frank Schrader proudly holds Sam, an 8 week old pointer poodle puppy. Some have suggested that the dog was named after Sam Walton club superstore, which happens to be Franks favorite place to shop. So far Frank has denied a connection between the dogs name and the discount retailer.

Sam was recently acquired on a trip Frank took to Idaho to "look" at PP puppies.


Sunday, April 22, 2007

Congratulations Chuck and Lois!

Chuck and Lois Celebrate 60th wedding Anniversary!

Friday, March 30, 2007

Pilings Developing Personalities?

The new pilings have been on the beach for almost a year now. It seems that they are beginning to develop their own personalities as evidenced in the photo below. 'Nuff said.

Extra, Extra! Polar Bear swim takes place on January 1, 2007 at Point Richmond Beach!

Ok, so I am a little late posting the Polar Bear swim photos. Left, the line up of swimmers ready to go off the outer piling. Right, Carol Winge with the only costume entry in the swim - she wore a scarf and mittens for warmth!

Right below, Julia Rees does a Canon ball with pony tail to stir up the water (and maybe to get Brett wet). Spectators and swimmers enjoy Hor doerves under the unbrella.

We were sorry that Cinde Dolphin was not able to attend the event due to her polar bear suit being at the cleaners.